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长期从事生物转化、生物大分子相互作用的研究,主要承担蛋白质纯化技术、生物技术基础(双语)课程的讲授工作。近年来共发表国际权威期刊论文70余篇,参与出版专著(或教材)2部;申请发明专利20余项,授权发明专利7项;主持包括国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省产学研项目等在内的省部级以上科研项目4项;获得江西省科技进步三等奖1项,南昌市科技进步二等奖1项,指导学生获得多项省级、校级硕士优秀毕业论文,校级本科优秀毕业论文。现为中国整形美容协会新技术与新材料分会常务理事,美国生理学协会会员。在Molecular CatalysisJournal of Chromatography BJournal of Separation ScienceFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology等杂志担任编委及特刊编辑。



2000-2004 上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院 生物技术本科

2004-2009 上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院 生物医学工程(生物工程)博士

2009-2020 江南大学,hjc356黄金城首页线路 副教授

2014-2015 美国明尼苏达大学(双城校区) 生物技术中心 访问学者

2020-至今 粮食发酵与食品生物制造国家工程研究中心 副教授                                                                                                            





1. Yu Xin*, Chen Shen, Mengwei Tang, Zitao Guo, Yi Shi, Zhenghua Gu, Jun Shao*, Liang Zhang*, Recreating the natural evolutionary trend in key microdomains provides an effective strategy for engineering of a thermomicrobial N-demethylase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022, 298 (3), 101656.

2. Di Hu, Yikun Tian, Lu Ye, Yu Xin*, Jun Shao*, Transthyretin-induced increase in circ_0007411 represses neovascularization of human retinal microvascular endothelial cells in hyperglycemia via the miR-548m/PTPN12/SKP1/EGFR pathway. Annals of Translational Medicine. 2022, 10 (10), 556.

3. Yu Gu, Di Hu, Yu Xin*, Jun Shao*, Transthyretin affects the proliferation and migration of human retinal microvascular endothelial cells in hyperglycemia via hnRNPA2B1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2021, 557, 280-287.

4. Qiuyue Gao, Jun Shao, Mengwei Tang, Yu Xin*, Liang Zhang*Promote the expression and corrected folding of an extremely stable N-demethylase by promoter reconstruction, native environment simulation and surface design. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 178, 434-443.

5. Yu Xin*, Qiuyue Gao, Yu Gu, Mengyao Hao, Guangming Fan, Liang Zhang*Self-assembly of metal-cholesterol oxidase hybrid nanostructures and application in bioconversion of steroids derivatives. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2021, 15 (3), 615-629.

6. Ting Yang, Yu Xin*, Liang Zhang*, Zhenghua Gu, Youran Li, Zhongyang Ding, Guiyang Shi. Characterization on the aerobic denitrification process of Bacillus strains. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2020, 140, 105677.

7. Guangming Fan, Yu Gu, Jiaojiao Zhang, Yu Xin*, Jun Shao*, Francesca Giampieri, Maurizio Battino*, Transthyretin Upregulates Long Non-Coding RNA MEG3 by Affecting PABPC1 in Diabetic Retinopathy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20, 6313.

8. Jun Shao, Yunbin Zhang, Guangming Fan, Yu Xin*, Yong Yao*, Transcriptome analysis identified a novel 3-LncRNA regulatory network of transthyretin attenuating glucose induced hRECs dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy. BMC Medical Genomics, 2019, 12: 134.

9. Jun Shao, Guangming Fan, Xiaowen Yin, Yu Gu, Xiaolu Wang, Yu Xin*, Yong Yao*, A novel transthyretin/STAT4/miR-223-3p/FBXW7 signaling pathway affects neovascularization in diabetic retinopathy. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2019, 498110541.

10. Jun Shao, Xubin Pan, Xiaowen Yin, Guangming Fan, Chengye Tan, Yong Yao*, Yu Xin*, Chao Sun*, KCNQ1OT1 affects the progression of diabetic retinopathy by regulating miR-1470 and epidermal growth factor receptor. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, 234, 17269-17279.

11. Yu Xin*, Mengyao Hao, Guangming Fan, Yao Zhang, Liang Zhang*Soluble expression of Thermomicrobium roseum sarcosine oxidase and characterization of N-demethylation activity. Molecular Catalysis, 2019, 464, 48-56.

12. Mengyao Hao, Guangming Fan, Yao Zhang, Yu Xin*, Liang Zhang*Preparation and characterization of copper-Brevibacterium cholesterol oxidase hybrid  nanoflowers, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 126, 539-548

13. Mengling Zheng, Mengyao Hao, Guangming Fan, Yao Zhang, Yu Xin*, Liang Zhang*, Preparation, reconstruction, and characterization of a predicted Thermomicrobiurn roseum sarcosine oxidase. Molecular Catalysis, 2018, 455, 132-142.

14. Yu Xin*, Mengyao Hao, Guangming Fan, Yao Zhang, Mengling Zheng, Liang Zhang*, Affinity adsorption of bovine hyaluronidase with ligands targeting to active site. Journal of Chromatography B, 2018, 1092,422-431.

15. Jun Shao, Ying Yin, Xiaowen Yina, Li Jia, Yu Xin*, Jian Zouc*, Yong Yao*, Transthyretin exerts pro-apoptotic effects in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells through a GRP78-dependent pathway in diabetic retinopathy. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2017, 43, 788-800.

16. Yu XinMengling ZhengQing WangLiushen LuLing ZhangYanjun TongWu WangStructural and catalytic alteration of sarcosine oxidase through reconstruction with coenzyme-like ligandsJournal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic2016133: S250–S258.

17. Yu XinLiushen LuQing WangLing ZhangYanjun TongWu WangCoenzyme-like ligands for affinity isolation of cholesterol oxidase, Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences2016, 1021, 169-174.

18. Xin Y., Liu L.H., Chen B.Z., Zhang L., Tong Y.J., Affinity purification of aprotinin from bovine lung. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38, 1441-1448.

19. Xin Y., Yang H.L., Xia X.L., Zhang L., Cheng C., Mou G.C., Shi J.B., Han Y.F., Wang W., Affinity purification of a cholesterol oxidase expressed in Escherichia coli. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2011, 879, 853-858.

20. Xin Y., Yang H.L., Xia X.L., Zhang L., Zhang Y.R., Tong Y.J., Wang W., Preparation and characterization of affinity sorbents based on isoalloxazine-like ligands for separation of flavoenzymes. Journal of Separation Science, 2011, 34, 2940-2949.

21. Xin Y., Yang H.L., Xia X.L., Zhang L., Zhang Y.R., Cheng C., Wang W., Expression, purification and partial characterization of a xanthine oxidase (XOD) in Arthrobacter sp.. Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47, 1539-1544.

22. Xin Y., Yang H.L., Xia X.L., Zhang L., Zhang Y.R., Tong Y.J., Chen Y., Wang W.,

Affinity purification of urinary trypsin inhibitor from human urine. Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35, 1–6.

23. Xin Y., Tong Y.J., Yang H.L., Zhang L., Zhang Y.R., Chen Y., Wang W., Study on the Glutathione Molecularly Imprinted Polymers with different functional monomers. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2012, 70 (6), 803-811.

24. Shao J.#, Xin Y.#, Li R.X., Fan Y., Vitreous and serum levels of transthyretin (TTR) in high myopia patients are correlated with ocular pathologies. Clinical Biochemistry, 2011 44, 681-685.

25. Shao J.#, Xin Y.#, Yao Y., Correlation of misfolded transthyretin in abnormal vitreous and high myopia related ocular pathologies. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2011, 412, 2117-2121.

26. Xin Y., Dong D.X., Wang T., Li R.X., Affinity purification of serine proteinase from Deinagkistrodon acutus venom. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2007, 859 (1), 111-118.

27. Xin Y., Dong D.X., Chen D.Z., Li R.X., Structural and biological characterization of a novel acutobin-like enzyme isolated from the venom of the sharp-nosed pit viper (Deinagkistrodon acutus). Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2009, 53, 123-131.

28. Shao J.#, Xin Y.#, Yao Y., Zhu J., Functional analysis of misfolded transthyretin extracted from abnormal vitreous with high myopia related ocular pathologies. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2012, 415, 20-24.




1. 辛瑜; 张梁; 一种重组枯草芽孢杆菌细胞在酶法生物降解N-甲基有机氮农药中的应用, 2020-01-09, 中国, ZL202010020741.1.

2. 辛瑜; 张梁; 张瑶; 高秋月; 一种酶法拆分制备N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸的方法,申请; 2019-01-14, 中国, ZL201910030583.5.

3. 辛瑜; 张梁; 牛来源透明质酸酶亲和介质及其吸附方法; 2018-02-27, 中国, ZL201810161548.2.

4. 辛瑜; 陈备战; 熊晓云; 熊蔚; 一种牛肺抑肽酶异性制备层析介质的合成和应用; 2014-04-15, 中国, ZL201410052389.4.

5. 杨海麟; 辛瑜; 仝艳军; 王武; 张玲; 肌氨酸氧化酶亲和介质及其合成和纯化肌氨酸氧化酶的方法, 2014-06-25, 中国, ZL201310022527.X.

6. 辛瑜; 杨海麟; 张玲; 张玉然; 陈亦; 仝艳军; 一种黄素酶亲和介质及其合成和应用, 2014-05-07, 中国, ZL201110425508.2.

7. 辛瑜; 杨海麟; 张玲; 夏小乐; 张玉然; 仝艳军; 王武; 一种胆固醇氧化酶亲和介质及其合成和大规模纯化胆固醇氧化酶方法, 2014-01-29, 中国, ZL201010273489.1.



1.     国家重点研发计划子课题“人造肉专用酶制剂高效生产”项目编号2021YFC2101401/001 (2021-2024)

2.     江苏省优秀青年基金项目“针对关键微结构域的黄素酶构效改造研究” 项目编号 BK20160053 (2016-2019)

3.     国家自然科学基金项目“基于类辅酶配体的黄素酶构效优化机制研究” 项目编号213060642014-2016

4.     江苏省自然科学基金项目“类辅酶配体在黄素酶稳态平衡与亲和分离中机理的研究” 项目编号BK20121192012-2015

5.     江苏省产学研项目“高效制备高浓度凝结芽孢杆菌菌粉的产业化关键技术研究” 项目编号BY2015019-362015-2018




1. 江南大学优秀专业硕士学位论文(2022)嗜热玫瑰红球菌肌氨酸氧化酶的表达优化及催化Loop域的改造研究(高秋月)

2. 江南大学优秀专业硕士学位论文(2021)人源转甲状腺素蛋白的重组表、制备与生物功能 的研究(范广明)

3. 江西省科技进步三等奖-基于高特异性靶向分离技术的抑肽酶制备工艺-1/8 2019

4. 南昌市科技进步二等奖-基于高特异性靶向分离技术的抑肽酶制备工艺-1/8 2016

5. 江南大学教学成果二等奖—双语精品课程《生物技术基础》“三元一体”改革与建设(2017

6. 江南大学本科优秀毕业论文(2014)食品工业用无磷环保酸性洗涤剂去除啤酒石、乳石等污垢的研究(薛慧慧)

7. 江南大学教学成果一等奖—《生物技术基础本科双语课程》-3/52011











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