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Faculty and staff




侯海彤,江南大学教授、博士生导师。先后获得北京大学学士和德国海德堡大学 (Heidelberg University)博士学位,并在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)和科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)从事酵母分子遗传学研究工作。研究兴趣包括减数分裂、染色质三维构象和基因组稳定性,在NatureJournal of Cell BiologyPNAS等学术期刊发表过学术论文,并多次应邀担任Journal of Cellular Physiology Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Oncogene Molecular OncologyBMC cancer等学术杂志审稿人。近年来研究减数分裂中端粒对着丝粒组装的影响,部分结果发表在Nature杂志,并在Gordon Research Conference on Centromere BiologyCold Spring Harbor Meeting on Telomeres & Telomerase等会议上做学术报告。



2023.02- 至今      江南大学未来食品科学中心,教授

2014.06-2020.06     美国国立卫生研究院癌症研究所,Research Fellow

2009.01-2014.06     哥伦比亚大学生物科学系,博士后、Associate Research Scientist

2004.01-2008.10     德国海德堡大学,博士研究生

2000.09-2003.10     中国科学院植物研究所,硕士研究生

1996.09-2000.07     北京大学生命科学院,本科




1.  Hou H#, Kyriacou E, Thadani R, Klutstein M, Chapman J and Cooper, JP#. (2021) Centromeres are dismantled by foundational meiotic proteins Spo11 and Rec8. Nature. 591:671-676 #通讯作者)

2.     Hou H, Cooper JP. (2018) Stretching, scrambling, piercing and entangling: Challenges for telomeres in mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation. Differentiation. 100:12-20

3.     Hou H, Kallgren S and Jia S. (2013) Csi1 illuminates the mechanism and function of Rabl

configuration. Nucleus 4(3):176-81.

4.     Hou H, Zhou Z, Wang Y, Wang J, Kallgren S, Kurchuk T, Miller E, Chang F and Jia S. (2012) Csi1-mediated centromere clustering facilitates kinetochore capturing by microtubules in chromosome segregation. J. Cell Biol. 199 (5): 735-44. (Faculty of 1000推荐)

5.     Hou H, Wang Y, Kallgren S, Thompson J, Yates J and Jia S. (2010) H2A.Z regulates CENPC expression to control chromosome segregation in fission yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 285(3):1909-18.

6.     Hou H, John Peter A, Meiringer C, Subramanian K and Ungermann C. (2009) Analysis of DHHC acyltransferases implies overlapping substrate specificity and a two-step reaction mechanism. Traffic 10 (8): 1061-73.

7.     Hou H, Subramanian K, LaGrassa T, Markgraf D, Dietrich L, Decker N and Ungermann C. (2005) The DHHC protein Pfa3 affects vacuole-associated palmitoylation of the fusion factor Vac8. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 17366-17371.

8.     Wang J, Tadeo X, Hou H, Andrews S, Moresco J, Yates J, Nagy P and Jia S. (2014) Tls1 regulates splicing of shelterin components to control telomeric heterochromatin assembly and telomere length. Nuclear Acid Research. 42(18):11419-32

9.     Kallgren S, Andrews S, Tadeo X, Hou H, Moresco J, Tu P, Yates J, Nagy P, and Jia S. (2014) The proper splicing of RNAi factors is critical for pericentric heterochromatin assembly in fission yeast. PLoS Genet. 10(5): e1004334.

10.  Wang J, Tadeo X, Hou H, Tu P, Thompson J, Yates J, Jia S. (2013) Epe1 recruits BET family bromo-domain protein Bdf2 to establish heterochromatin boundaries. Genes Dev. 7(17):1886-902. (Recommended by Faculty of 1000)

11.  Wang Y, Kallgren S, Reddy B, Kuntz K, López-Maury L, Thompson J, Watt S, Ma C, Hou H, Shi Y, Yates J, Bähler J, O'Connell MJ and Jia S (2012) Histone H3 lysine 14 acetylation is required for activation of a DNA damage checkpoint in fission yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 287(6):4386-93.

12.  Meiringer C, Auffarth K, Hou H and Ungermann C. (2008) Depalmitoylation of Ykt6 prevents its entry into the multivesicular body pathway. Traffic 9 (9): 1510-2.

13.  Subramanian K, Dietrich L, Hou H, LaGrassa C, Meiringer C and Ungermann C. (2006) Palmitoylation determines the function of Vac8 at the yeast vacuole. J. Cell Sci. 119: 2477-2485.

14.  Dietrich L, Peplowska K, LaGrassa T, Hou H, Rohde J and Ungermann C. (2005) The SNARE Ykt6 gets released from yeast vacuoles during an early stage of fusion. EMBO Rep. 6: 245-250.

15.  Yang W, Liu S, Feng F, Hou H, Jiang G, Xu Y and Kuang T. (2004) Effects of phosphate deficiency on the lipid composition in cucumber thylakoid membranes and PSII particles. Plant Sci. 166:1575-1579.

16.  Yang W, Feng F, Hou H, Jiang, Xu Y and Kuang T. (2004) Alternation in lipid composition of wheat leaves induced by phosphate deficiency is related to both lipid biosynthesis and phosphatidylglycerol degradation. Acta Bot. Sin. 46: 211-215.

17.  Wang Z, Hou H, Xu Y, Yang Z, Jiang G and Kuang T. (2003) Effects of Na2S2O3 and glucose on the compositions of glycerolipids and their fatty acids in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 cells. Acta Bot. Sin. 45(11): 1339-1345.

18.  Wang Z, Xu Y, Yang Z, Hou H, Jiang G and Kuang T. (2003) Effects of sodium thiosulfate on the occurrence of a novel glycolipid in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells grown in the presence of glucose. Acta Bot. Sin. 45(5): 589-593.

19.  Yang W, Hou H, Feng F, Xu Y, LI L and Kuang T. (2003) The Biosynthesis and Function of Sulfoquinovosyl Diacylglycerol. Chinese Bullitin of Botany. 20:103-114.

20.  Wang Z, Xu Y, Yang Z, Hou H, Jiang G and Kuang T. (2003) A Novel Glycolipid in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Cells: Structural Characteristics. In Murata N, et al. [ed.] Advanced Research on Plant Lipids. Springer. p439-352

21.  Wang Z, Xu Y, Yang Z, Hou H, Jiang G and Kuang T. (2002) Effect of sodium thiosulfate on the depletion of photosynthetic apparatus in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells grown in the presence of glucose. Photosynthetica. 40(3), 383-387.




1.     Why centromeres fall apart on meiotic entry, and how telomeres put them back together. Mayosis 2021.

2.     Lost in isolation: centromere vulnerability to meiotic proteins. The Socially Distant Centromere for 2020.

3.     Centromeres are dismantled by foundational meiotic proteins Spo11and Rec8. PomeTalks 2020. An international virtual talk series by fission yeast community.

4.     Why centromeres fall apart on meiotic entry, and how telomeres put them back together. Gordon Research Conference on Centromere Biology. 2018. West Dover, VT.

5.     When, how and why telomeres control meiotic centromere assembly. Gordon Research Seminar on Meiosis. 2018. New London, NH

6.     The telomere bouquet promotes meiotic centromere assembly. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Telomeres & Telomerase. 2017.

7.     Exploring the redundancy of DHHC acyltransferases in yeast. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting on Yeast Cell Biology. 2007










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